Behind The Scenes: Devise
Devise is a well known solution for authentication in Rails applications. It’s full featured (it not only adds authentication but also password recovery, email changing, session timeout, locking, ip tracking, etc.) and can be expanded to add even more (like JWT authentication).
In this post, I’ll go over the code related to the basic database authentication process, how it relates to Warden and some of the magic behind it. If you don’t know what Warden is, I will be explaining the role it plays for Devise in this article.
Gem Initialization Process
Like most gems, when loaded, the entry point is lib/devise.rb
(link ). Inside this file we can find a lot of code:
- it requires many modules (like
, etc) - then it defines the Devise module which does many things:
- autoloads many modules for Controllers, Mailers, Tests, Strategies (we’ll get back to this later)
- defines all the module’s attribute accessors for configuration
- defines methods for extending devise
- and more
- at the end it requires
and Devise’s extensions formodels
, etc
If we take a look at the files in the last part of the lib/devise.rb
file, we can better understand how it works.
At lib/devise/rails.rb
, we can see Devise runs as a Rails Engine and it adds Warden as a middleware:
# Initialize Warden and copy its configurations.
config.app_middleware.use Warden::Manager do |config|
Devise.warden_config = config
At lib/devise/models.rb
, we can see it defines the Device::Models module which is later included in ActiveRecord::Base and adds the devise
helper method used to configure our authenticable ActiveRecord models:
module Devise
module Models
def devise(*modules)
options = modules.extract_options!.dup
selected_modules = do |s|
Devise::ALL.index(s) || -1 # follow Devise::ALL order
# lib/devise/orm/active_record.rb
require 'orm_adapter/adapters/active_record'
ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do
extend Devise::Models
And we can use it like:
class User < ApplicationRecord
devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable,
:recoverable, :rememberable, :validatable
What’s Warden?
Warden is a gem that takes care of fetching authentication details from the request and fetching the user. Devise requires Warden to be added as a middleware. How it does that depends on the strategy we use for authentication. The default strategy is database_authenticatable
link , but it can be changed using the model’s devise
helper method we saw above.
A strategy is the algorithm Warden will use to fetch the authentication information from the request, and validate it to fetch (or not) a valid object (usually a User object). Warden will call the authenticate
method of the strategy and will expect either a call to success!
(if the authentication if valid) or fail
(if invalid).
# lib/devise/strategies/database_authenticatable.rb
module Devise
module Strategies
# Default strategy for signing in a user, based on their email and password in the database.
class DatabaseAuthenticatable < Authenticatable
def authenticate!
resource = password.present? &&
hashed = false
if validate(resource){ hashed = true; resource.valid_password?(password) }
Devise.paranoid ? fail(:invalid) : fail(:not_found_in_database)
Warden::Strategies.add(:database_authenticatable, Devise::Strategies::DatabaseAuthenticatable)
If the authentication details are valid, Warden will store the user in a Warden::Proxy object stored as a request environment variable at request.env['warden']
. Later, this object is used by Devise to know the status of the authentication.
After Warden
Since Warden is a middleware, the user authentication is validated before reaching Rails’ controllers, that’s why we can add authentication in the routes file.
Devise also adds some helper methods that include our model’s class as the name, so we can use a model that’s not called User and have semantic helper method names (if our model is Account, we can have an authenticate_account
method). To do so, Devise uses some Ruby magic defining methods based on the module configuration:
# lib/devise/controllers/helpers.rb
def self.define_helpers(mapping) #:nodoc:
mapping =
class_eval <<-METHODS, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
def authenticate_#{mapping}!(opts={})
opts[:scope] = :#{mapping}
warden.authenticate!(opts) if !devise_controller? || opts.delete(:force)
def #{mapping}_signed_in?
def current_#{mapping}
@current_#{mapping} ||= warden.authenticate(scope: :#{mapping})
def #{mapping}_session
current_#{mapping} && warden.session(:#{mapping})
ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) do
if respond_to?(:helper_method)
helper_method "current_#{mapping}", "#{mapping}_signed_in?", "#{mapping}_session"
Here we can see how it adds new helper methods to our controllers using the mapping (our object’s class) and some warden methods to check the status. These helper methods can also be used in the views.
Warden uses the
option so it can handle the authentication of multiple models if needed for the same browser session (we can have a User and an Admin model for example logged in at the same time).
Devise will also use Warden when creating a new session:
# app/controllers/devise/sessions_controller.rb
def create
self.resource = warden.authenticate!(auth_options)
Here, it tells Warden to validate the new authentication options. If valid, Warden will store the new user.
Interestingly, a lot of the authentication is not handled by Devise but by the Warden gem, and Devise connects the wires between that and the Rails application, adding the needed configuration, views, controllers, helper methods, mailers, etc.