DRY your tests
I’m a big fan of having small classes. I’m not a big fan of having huge specs for a small class/object. Every time I see an opportunity to DRY my specs, I take it.
Today I wrote a spec to make sure that we gracefully ignore SPAMmy contact requests in the OmbuLabs contact page. It initially looked like this:
test "gracefully ignores spammy requests with valid attributes" do
@valid_contact = contacts(:two)
attributes = @valid_contact.attributes
.merge(email_confirmation: @valid_contact.email)
assert_no_difference("Contact.count") do
post :create, contact: attributes, format: 'js'
assert_response :success
The new behavior adds a simple SPAM trap field
that bots will usually fall for.
If a bot is submitting the email_confirmation
field (which is hidden by a CSS
class), then it is SPAM and it gracefully ignores the request.